This implementation seems to be transductive learning, which is reflected in Line-279, models.py. Self.adj_lists includes all nodes and edges of the graph. How to conduct the inductive learning? Thank…
Sanity-checking that the website behaves as expected, this task just requires someone with time to go through and make sure there aren't bugs in the links.
- [ ] Zoom links (x-ref spreadsheet)
Thank you for your project.
I'd like to know how do you distinguish a few-shot learning method from an inductive one or a transductive one? Is there a clear distinction between these two settings in…
from: group meeting
Hello, I am a new student in deep learning. I have a simple problem that I cannot solve at present. I would like to ask for your advice。
I download the dataset CUB and miniimagenet, put it in the rig…
I found your paper _Transductive Few-shot Learning with Meta-Learned Confidence_ on arXiv 2002.12017 (which is quite a fascinating idea), and followed the link in it and was redirected to …
I’m sorry 。
I want to doing a transductive learning , like deepwalk or line alg
so, I have a so big graph,maybe 1B:nodes, 10B:edges
i want to know ,in pytorch framework and dgl0.4 ,how mary m…
Hi @danielegrattarola,
I have been trying to dig into Spektral and I wonder if it is possible to do Inductive Learning using GAT and GraphSAGE, for example on PPI dataset? I have looked at the exampl…
I noticed that GraphSAINT on OGB-products was running under an inductive learning setting, where the training graph only consists of training and validation nodes. However, ClusterGCN, full-ba…
## ❓ Questions & Help
Say I have a Graph, with Nodes which doesn't hold individual Node Features. How can I pass it through a GCNs?