As a user, I should see a page that instructs me to verify the email I used for registration. I should navigate to this page immediately after creating a new account.
### Description
As a user, I want to be able to register an account, so that I can log in to Spaced.
### Acceptance criteria
- [ ] A username field should be present that will be used to iden…
flowchart TD
A[User visits GUTS explorer main page]
A2{Login or register?}
B[Registration popup]
B1[Backend: POST **/api/user/'email'**]
B2[Result returned]
Allow register users to update their registration information including information not included on person node such as bio. Will this automatically update person information if shared fields are chan…
In the PWD registration flow, a username and password are requested.
It is possible to register a user by adding a valid email address to the username field. However, when logging in, the following …
I get 403 errors when testing with a new matrix server instance. Is there a user registration function, or is it planned to support this?
1. User Registration
- As a User:
I want to register an account on the FavLinks website.
- Objective:
To create a new user account with a unique username and secure password.
- The re…