直接从git 上面clone 下来的项目无法编译通过 android studio 3.4.1
org.gradle.internal.exceptions.LocationAwareException: Build file '/Users/zhangcheng/Downloads/MyBookshelf/app/build.gradle' line: 20
A problem occu…
老出现 解析包出现问题这个错误
Hey, thanks for the sample repo.
I get the following error when i try to build it:
org.gradle.api.GradleScriptException: A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'
Caused by: groovy.lan…
9:48:24 PM Gradle sync started
9:49:05 PM Gradle sync failed: You should define KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, KEYSTORE_ALIAS and KEY_PASSWORD in gradle.properties.groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: Could not…
Error:You should define KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, KEYSTORE_ALIAS and KEY_PASSWORD in gradle.properties.groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: Could not get unknown property 'KEYSTORE_PASSWORD' for SigningConf…
Hi, I'm trying to import openshop.io project in Android Studio, while importing i'm getting error.
Gradle sync failed: You should define KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, KEYSTORE_ALIAS and KEY_PASSWORD in gradle…
Error:Plugin requires 'APK Signature Scheme v2 Enabled' for release.
Could not get unknown property 'pStoreFile' for SigningConfig_Decorated{name=debug, storeFile=/Users/***/.android/debug.keystore, storePassword=android, keyAlias=AndroidDebugKey, keyPassword=android, …
There is some issue with the keynote or something I tried to compile the code that is available and It doesn't seem to work.
gradle 配置:
andresguard version: 1.2.10
v2SigningEnabled true
use7zip = true
useSign = true
执行```./gradlew resguardRelease``` , 文件产出无XXX.signed_7zip_aligned.apk 文件,如图