Hi and thanks for your work on this firmware, it works great. There is a suggestion I would like to make. Is it possible to advertise both temperature and humidity with 2 decimals? I use the values in…
Hello ,I was looking at "A model to evaluate spatiotemporal variations of hydrological connectivity on a basin-scale complex river network After the article intensive human activity", there were some …
Starting a new topic since there is a concrete example:
You'll need to install coffea from this branch: `https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/tree/awkward2_dev` (pip install -e '.[dev]')
You'll ne…
When I save the graph to a file, or copy to clipboard, the result is an image who's content is limited to that shown in the graph window at the time.
I would at least like an option to be able to exp…
import ROOT
df = ROOT.RDataFrame(1)
df2 = df.Define("x", "42").Vary("x", "ROOT::RVecI(5)", 5).Filter("x > 0")
s = df2.Sum("x")
ss = ROOT.RDF.Experimental.VariationsFor(…
When starting eXist I receive about 300 warnings in the log from tei-graphing (and Core-nlp). They are all variations of the following:
2018-02-19 09:41:01,562 [qtp468334814-38] WARN (Annotati…
Hi, I am using the variation of the vg call sample, the task is done, but the vcf results only have partial results of only one chromosome and no results of other chromosomes, I want to know what caus…
## About the author
Hi. My name is Patrick. I currently work as a math and physics tutor and I am starting a PhD in Mathematics in the Fall. I am particularly interested in combinatorial games, net…
I am trying to generate variation graph (vg) from raw SARS-CoV2 sequences (~16k sequences). What would be the best way to generate VCF given these raw sequences? And, does the method works as the data…
I recently came across the following article which might fit in your related work somewhere (or it might not, but I figure passing it along can't hurt). It describes a variation on the binary heap th…