When you use goto, and are located in a tree view, even if the node to visit is a file or directory in the currently opened tree root (same level) the tree view is canceled, leading to a loss of all e…
I do not believe this is possible currently but it is a feature that would be really handy personally if it were possible to specify directories that wouldn't be saved to vifm's history.
Hi! I'm trying to remap this. I want vifm to react to the Russian keyboard layout in the same way as to the English one. But nothing works, neither «dmap н y» nor «mmap н y» help. What am I doing wron…
I have added following configuration to my `~/.vifm/vifmrc`:
" Add simple support for ssh remote
" :ssh user@remote:/path/to/remote/folder
filetype *.ssh FUSE_MOUNT2|sshfs %PARAM %DESTINAT…
If the current layout is set to en the hotkeys like j or k will work correctly, however if you switch to another layout they will no longer work
One of the things I desperately miss in vifm is a customizability of how to display files depending on their type, modification date, etc.
The most obvious thing which I'd like to be able to…
Currently we only can do vimfiler copy/paste inside the same vim session.
I am using this plugin with vifm and I have say it works great :heart: (my terminal is wezterm which has sizel capabilities)
Sometimes there are files such as password-protected pdf files. These f…
Not sure how to get it to wasm and used by c, c++ and pythons.
Hey, I love vifm, I think it's great and it works really well, thank you so much!
I have some ideas that I think have been asked before but I'm not clear where it stands. I think the project is gre…