The login and register feature will allow visitors to create accounts and log in to the platform. This will help us track how many visitors are logging in and allow users to see their profiles. Return…
**Describe the bug**
I was doing some testing of XSS attack handling, with requests like:
GET http://localhost:3000/admin/visitors?go=alert(219);
GET https://[mydomain]/admin/visitors?
The lint group `rust-2018-idioms` enables [`elided-lifetimes-in-paths`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/listing/allowed-by-default.html#elided-lifetimes-in-paths). [`Visitor::expecting`](https:/…
I think this happens when a generic method is invoked, and we create synthetic `ParameterElement`s, which don't have `enclosingElement`, so `library` is `null`.
Thread 0 main thread_CastError:…
Follow up to https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/issues/4942.
Currently `stylelint` is not a PostCSS plugin. It uses PostCSS internals like `LazyResult` to go around PostCSS API. And then we cal…
After updating to latest Flutter stable (3.22.1) our app is no longer building.
Running on macOS 14.4.1.
The failing step happens when the script executes the `const_finder` command during the i…
Is it possible to zip two visitors? That is, walk through two structures of the same type in parallel and visit pairs of values?
### Describe the feature
Here we can get know about the count to visitor visit the website.
### Add ScreenShots
On a new profile, set Firefox to request light color scheme and visit Pontoon. Pontoon keeps using the dark theme, while it should follow the user's preferences.
### Dependencies
- #1730
- #542: ~Organizational Dashboard~
- #503: ~Google Analytics~
- After dependency is cleared, read through whole issue and either rewrite or make a new issue that has the …