I tried a clean installation of the repo on macOS with Python3.8:
brew install python@3.8
mkdir venv
python3.8 -m venv ./venv
source venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip…
I want to clone a voice from audio segments that are shorter than 1.5 seconds after splitting, and I'm wondering if I can use VAD instead of Whisper in OpenVoice2.
When I run demo_toolbox.py I get this errors
How can I fix this errors?
(VoiceCloning) A:\Real-Time-Voice-Cloning-master>python demo_toolbo…
Preloading Models
Loading text model from ./models\text_2.pt to cuda
尝试在本地跑 Voice_Cloning_for_Chinese_Speech.ipynb
input_wav = "./test_wavs/"
output_data = "./output_training_data/"
ret, report = run_auto_label(input_wav=input_wav, work_dir=output_data,…
Sehr geehrter Morpheus,
Ich weis nicht wo ich dir das schicken sollte deswegen hier.
Mein Name ist Alex, und ich bin ein begeisterter Nutzer von Technologien zur Sprachverarbeitung und -synthese…
I want to use the trainer for cloning only my voice. The language would still be English but a different accent than the pre-trained models. Will the instructions mentioned here still work to g…
I haven't looked into this much but people keep linking it to me.
i love your app, thanks for the hard work.
I have tried this link to create sample dataset of one speaker. From the dataset, performed encoding and training synthesizer and Vocoder model training. After the models have been trained I got model…
I have tried running the notebook, though it worked well but cloned voice has no resemblance to speaker and has a noice. Is there any update coming to this model?
I have tried[ voice cloning](https…