ERROR in ./src/components/ProgressBar.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=5734e3c6&scoped=true&lang=css (./node_modules/_vue-loader@15.0.1@vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/_vue-style…
### Describe the Bug
TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'pixelRepresentation' of 'metaData_exports.get(...)' as it is undefined.
at Object.makeVolumeMetadata (chunk-63TKIGFN.js?v=9f5c3c92:33…
### Reporting a bug?
When using webpack with both html-webpack-plugin and @intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n, the compilation fails with:
Error: Child compilation failed:
Module parse failed: Un…
Hey I am currently using vue version > 2.7.0 and typescript now when i am installing the component and trying to initialize it into my file via the command
`import VueSimpleRangeSlider from "vue-sim…
### Environment
- Operating System: Linux (Ubuntu 24.04 LTS)
- Node Version: v22
- Nuxt Version: -
- CLI Version: 3.15.0
- Nitro Version: -
- Packa…
This dependency was not found:
* !!vue-style-loader!css-loader?{"minimize":false,"sourceMap":false}!../._vue-loader@12.2.1@vue-loader/lib/style-compiler/index?{"vue":true,"id":"data-v-6d1be154","sc…
just started learning Vue.js and I'm super impressed how simple yet powerful/flexible the API seems to be :smiley:
So, I'm trying to fit Vue into my preferred workflow and running into some hurd…
"name": "vue-admin-template",
"version": "4.4.0",
"description": "A vue admin template with Element UI & axios & iconfont & permission control & lint",
"author": "Pan ",
### Environment
latest nuxt
### Reproduction
async function getRouteMeta(contents, absolutePath) {
if (!(absolutePath in pageContentsCache) || pageContentsCache[absolutePath] !== contents) {
> vue-cli-service serve --mode dev && tsc
INFO Starting development server...
10% building 1/1 modules 0 activeError: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported
at new Hash (nod…