## Keyword: sgd
There is no result
## Keyword: optimization
### Multi-Target Decision Making under Conditions of Severe Uncertainty
- **Authors:** Authors: Christoph Jansen, Georg Schollmeyer, Thoma…
@lrshpak The second question is a great point and one that is not addressed by the paper (great critique!)
@pcodes The second question is an issue that the paper assumes doesn't occur (nice catch!) T…
Greetings to anyone that reads this message.
This Issue is where we coordinate and take bug report for the new 8821a in-kernel driver.
An effort is underway to add support for the rtl8821/11au c…
### Preliminary Docs
I confirm that I have read the [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/ccrisan/motioneyeos/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) guide before opening this issue.
I confirm that I h…
ROBERT's authors refer often (3 times) to @vaudenay's [security analysis of DP-3T](https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/399.pdf) in their paper. Indeed, they position their paper as an alternative of "decentr…
Does this Python interface support the Exponentiator from Lambda Lanczos? Thank you in advance!
[InBand or OutOfBand.docx](https://github.com/open-dc-grid/standard/files/4579701/InBand.or.OutOfBand.docx)
A summary of the issues when determining whether signalling for ODG should be in-band or ou…
- @bushidocodes Critical: Have medical devices undergone the same sort of move towards mandatory recurring subscriptions similar to John Deere tractors?
- @grahamschock : What causes the medical devi…
Please provide critique and review for the paper.
I would appreciate if you could also add a note about the parts you thought were rather dense (or if you thought the paper was simple enough).
When opening YouTube in a container with the FireFox Multi-Account Containers Add-on (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/multi-account-containers/) h264ify does not appear to work. Constan…