There is a suggested example for plotting the fields of a `grid.nc` file https://github.com/boutproject/xBOUT/blob/master/examples/plot_grid.py. I have tried to use this code to plot the output from a…
Many radio telescope A2D samplers are 8 bit, e.g., those used by the VLA. This means that the visibility data can be stored in half-float (16-bit) format without loss of precision. Use of half-floats …
conversation from develop_satellite PR,
Not necessary to work this out now but if keeping paired data as xarray for satellite obs, "pairdf" and more generally anything with "df" b…
Would a DOI for VirtualiZarr be useful? Is there a simple way to generate one without actually having to publish a manuscript or submit to JOSS or anything?
cc @abarciauskas-bgse maybe it would be us…
Some changes are needed in xarray to support using the xarray backend entrypoint system to open datasets from disk as `ManifestArray`-backed Variables just by passing a keyword arg to `open_dataset`/`…
### Version
### On which installation method(s) does this occur?
### Describe the issue
In examples/weather/dataset_download/start_mirror.py the global_means and global_stds files (u…
Do it!
Linking this issue for chunk by "frequency": https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/7559 I have a proof-of-concept which I need ot make a PR...
upstream issue: https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/9802
> More data, bigger the graph is, to the point where the graph is so huge (31GB at my maximum) that the .compute() fails, with a "er…
### What is your issue?
Recently, I have downloaded chla data from copernicus marine service, and tried to regrid it with xarray. The sad thing is that the data always goes wrong in the load phase.…
Hey all,
I am trying to run `ai-models` on a set of models. I want to launch multiple forecasts at different timesteps and compare them with the outputs of ERA5. Due to the requirements of my HPC, …