There are two packages in repo: `xf86-video-cirrus-1.5.3_8` and `xf86-video-mach64-6.9.6_2`, that depend on `xserver-abi-video-24_1`.
Xbps accepts `xorg-server-21.1.3_3` which provides `xserver-abi…
What's supported so far:
- [x] Linux/linuxbrew
- [x] Debian/apt
- [x] RedHat/dnf
- [x] Gentoo/emerge
- [x] SUSE/zypper
- [x] Alpine/apk
- [x] Void/xbps (handled in #330)
- [x] Linux/pkcon ([#p…
官方源地址:~~[https://wiki.voidlinux.eu/XBPS#Repositories](about:blank)~~ https://xmirror.voidlinux.org/
分为 glibc 和 musl 两个,最好都能支持。
VoidLinux 是一个比较有个性的发行版,不基于任何一个已有的版本,而是从头开始,有自己的包管理器、init 系统等等
`xbps-pkgdb -a` only lists packages with issues, requiring some smart shell scripting to get a list of all affected packages to try and reinstall. It should have a flag to do this automatically, like:…
I am trying to convert a 64bit deb package to xbps and xdeb for the past few programs I have tried has only created 32 bit programs. Is there something I am missing here?
The first 3 packages were updated/revbumped in srcpkgs, but `xorg-server` is the first package that's outdated on the host system, but the new version is already committed to master of void-packages a…
I am trying to compile oksh by replacing ncurses with netbsd-curses, however, during the configuration process it does not detect the curses library even though it's correctly installed in `/usr/lib` …
When using xbps-install with flags `-MS`, xbps will open the db (`/var/db/xbps/`) in write mode if a remote repo has changed since the last real sync.
This is apparent when running the command with…
I am looking into creating a Void Linux xbps-src template to install Howdy, but when looking at the .deb post install script and the AUR’s PKGBUILD, I find that they are different, don’t remember off …
It's possible to add an shlib to common/shlibs that's not in the package and xbps-src won't complain.