I would like the ability to change the text that is automatically inserted when I press 'i'. I'm thinking that yasnippet would be a good solution, but others could make sense too. In my case, the sn…
The marks in snippets are defined as ${1:Value}. I would like to be able to skip this mark (Keep the first mark as Value), and move to the next one.
This is the standard behavior of emacs' yasnippet …
Lets say I invoke a snippet to create a [function definition](https://github.com/AndreaCrotti/yasnippet-snippets/blob/master/snippets/python-mode/function_docstring):
def 🖱name():
Hello YASnippet community!
Users like me are using YASnippet in their projects but don't have time to help with code contributions and would like to help with money.
I would like to ask you if the…
1. Replace tree-widget with org-mode text - it will be much easier to work with.
2. Include the following info:
* Presence of the packages lsp-ui/yasnippet/company-lsp/etc + their state (enabled/dis…
Me again! I've noticed that trying to use `consult-yasnippet-visit-snippet-file` in a read-only buffer produces an error. I also noticed that the regular `yas-visit-snippet-file` doesn't produce the s…
I tried to find that in issues but couldn't :(
I use this snippet
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: class(parent): ...
# key: class
# group: Definitions
# --
class ${1:ClassName}:
Hi there! I really appreciate all the work for the yasnippet.
However, I'm sometimes struggling with a bug. For example, you have the following snippet
class $1 {
} // End of class $1
(use-package company
:ensure t
(setq company-minimum-prefix-length 2)
(setq company-dabbrev-ignore-case t)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-company-mode)
I have my yas-snippet-dirs variable set at its default value of `("~/.emacs.d/snippets" "~/.emacs.d/scripts/yasnippet/snippets")`, and have several snippets defined in `~/.emacs.d/snippets/latex-mode`…