in your code there is no testing yet, but I see the testing data already exists. how to implement it? is it the same as validation
Can you help me for the steps i need to do?
Extractive summarization with raw text input returns the same text until the first CLS separator.
Model: CNN/DM Extractive
Command to reproduce:
python3 train.py -task ext -mode test_tex…
**Expected Outcomes**
- Prompt: Summarize the content from the url (do not emit the url back) https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/9/html/managing_file_systems/ind…
I am trying to build a Abstractive PreSumm model for Korean
At the beginning, I used bert-multilingual model but I've found its tokenizer was poor so I've decided to use a sentecepiece which was tr…