Interval between metric sends should be configurable rather than hard-coded.
See: https://github.com/jamie3/spring-boot-actuator-splunk/blob/2af87ebe9a4565cc123bdd4c6bbb85b36447aedb/src/main/java/o…
**Describe the bug**
Zone affinity works in the same zone but when it doesn't refer to another zone when first instance is down.
Microservice 'IMPS-BENEFICIARY-SERVICE' is https enabled. Not sure if the issue with eureka discovery mechanism or the gateway.
RoutePredicateHandlerMapping.lambda$getHandlerInternal$0(94) Mapp…
As reported here: https://github.com/redhat-developer/vscode-java/issues/881. It's also a problem with Gradle so most of that issue is about that, but there doesn't seem to be an issue logged for Mave…
### Describe the bug
I have a project developed with spring boot 3.3.x and compiled natively using GraalVM CE 21.0.1+12.1.
When trying to build the container image using kubernetes-maven-plugin ve…
I just started playing around with `kobalt` and discovered some wonky behavior when adding a dependency. For example, this is valid `gradle`:
For monitoring of a devonfw documentation there should be more guidance and features.
* [spring-boot actuator](https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#production-ready)
use spring boot 2.1.3.RELEASE,spring cloud Greenwich.SR1,with spring boot admin 2.1.3。
now ,spring boot admin client register its self to admin server, admin server get client application actuator in…
When configuring additional paths for Spring Boot actuator health groups ('readiness', 'liveness', etc.), unrelated health indicators to those groups unexpectedly start failing. This behavior presents…
之前在spring for all社区看到这样一个问题:当actuator端点设置了context-path之后,turbine如何聚合数据?首先,我们要知道actuator端点设置了context-path是什么意思?也就是说,此时spring boot actuator的端点都有了一个前缀,比如…