Release notes - https://dgpu-docs.intel.com/releases/rolling-release-notes.html#release-2024-10-31
The Ledger companion wallet for Komodo suffers from the lack of an important Komodo-specific feature that allows KMD holders to claim interest. It does not seem like Ledger will be implementing anythi…
ghost updated
6 years ago
## Login
Oauth2 Token
1. Username
2. Password
## Registrasi
Oauth2 Token
1. Nama Lengkap
2. NIK
3. Tempat Lahir
4. Tanggal Lahir
5. Jenis Kelamin
6. Golongan Darah
7. Alamat
8. Agama
9. …
![screen shot 2017-12-07 at 2 12 48 am](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19399102/33668572-4143a612-daf4-11e7-9c9b-bf680b0fd6cc.png)
Hi - The white on white needs a bit of changing. Don't…
i pulled to the latest master and run all builds command properly but electron screen just white page and I get this error
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0
should the install button really still be here when the system is already installing?
# `.coordinates`
- [x] cartesian_to_poincare_polar (https://github.com/GalacticDynamics/coordinax/pull/136)
- [ ] make_greatcircle_cls (will be done in coordinax)
- [ ] pole_from_endpoints (will…
I'm running openSUSE MicroOS, which is AFAIK the open source version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro. The installation instruction did not succeed, because the package name is `microos_cockpit`, not `m…