Hi I'm a customer who wants to use your Object Storage and I want you to see this error,
ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider objects are created normally,
ObjectStorageClient is trying to instan…
org.springframework.aop.interceptor.SimpleAsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler - Unexpected exception occurred invoking async method: public void cn.com.mcsca.sicpap.service.impl.AsyncTasks.saveDs(cn.com.mc…
### Postup
- export publikace s UUID `uuid:0c94cf70-188a-11e4-8f64-005056827e52` do formátu CSV
- export publikace s UUID `uuid:0c94cf70-188a-11e4-8f64-005056827e52` do formátu TSV
- identické pa…
### 请确保您已阅读以上注意事项,并勾选下方的确认框。
- [X] 我已确认我已升级到最新版本(最新代码)测试过,问题依旧存在。
- [X] 我已经在 [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/oddfar/campus-imaotai/issues) 中找过我要提出的问题,没有找到相同问题的ISSUE。
- [X] 我理解并认可上述内容,并理解项目维护者精力有限,…
Lqbxx updated
2 months ago
The following bean definitions are being overridden. It is inefficient to override beans. These should registered via AutoConfiguration or removed where duplicate.
Overriding bean definition…
stfp com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: connection is closed by foreign host
今天某商城 使用出现了以下的异常
``` JAVA
1013 04:00:00 ERROR (SFTPFileTransfer.java:122) connect() - sftpFileTransferConfig: {
[2019-09-27 15:52:59:430 CST] ERROR com.feilong.net.filetransfer.sftp.SFTPFileTransfer.upload(SFTPFileTransfer.java:278) : can't upload fileInputStream,toFileName:[*****]
**Describe the bug**
on 4.2.2, on a dev database i might have inconsistencies in the ldap, so the GN userldap sync fails, but gives a totally meaningless message:
2024-01-05T10:15:09,067 INFO …
Hi again !
Continuing to test the different provider resources, I tried to provision an organization using terraform and I have the follow issue:
- I found the doc might not be completely up to d…