in line 57 of masked_huber_loss.lua, it says 1 is for impossible features.
it is actually 0 for impossible features.
So line 65 should actually be `(batch_size * feature_size) / self.mask_sum:su…
Hello Everyone.
First of all, thanks for this great library!
I'm not sure if the following issue is with jaxopt or jax itself, but I started having problems applying vmap to a root solver.
I tr…
Definitively the notion of optimizer is somewhat fuzzy and so is the class `Optimizer`.
We should attempt to clarify definitions we are going to use in the library.
**Definitions (to be added in a w…
### 📚 The doc issue
In the provided examples, the least square problem optimizes over all the parameters. However, in some applications, parts of the parameters are from the neural network and should…
Hello, I made the code work for myself using Tensorflow v 1.4 and Python 2.
Maybe it works for you too.
**board.py (complete file):**
# Import MNIST data
import input_data
mnist = inpu…
When I use my custom loss function, I got a wrong loss output if I choose keras.compile:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data as mnist_data
grad_w = -(y - y_pred).dot(X) + self.regularization.grad(self.w)
in regression.py
should it be grad_w = -(y - y_pred).dot(X) * (1/training_size) + self.regularization.grad(self.w) ?
I following readme.txt file,when i run py.test ,i meet some problem.How deal with it?There, I copy these problems.
ccf@ccf-Lenovo-Product:~/CCF/DeepSurv-master$ py.test
Hello, sorry to send this on the weekend; I am assuming you will look at it in the week if you want! I could use some guidance using the code. I have run run_syntheses.py,
which produced one batch of…
During the training, I noticed that the network always takes the first 50 images only,
I found this line in the `train.py `
` test_xs, test_ys = unzip(list(read_data("test/*.png"))[:50…