since the 1.7 release `resource_storage_location` has been a mandatory field.
Records the pre-existed the release did not contain a value for this field (*)
\* some actually did. Why? How?
Different behaviours (both buggy) in TEST and PROD
* Add a new geographic dataset, specify a table that has been configured for download (WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.GSR…
* Create a test case draft record, geographic type.
* Use any object_name from an existing dataset, which has distribution configured.
* Navigate to the **Resource…
$ designatedlands load
Downloading ftp://ftp.nrcan.gc.ca/ess/sgb_pub/sgb_datasets/bc/GLACIER_NATIONAL_PARK_OF_CANADA/GLACIER_NATIONAL_PARK_OF_CANADA_SHP.zip
Extracting /var/folders/wt/1b36xf1j1…
The downloads function creates a new folder for each layer.
For example, VQO gets written to the downloads folder 5 times.
On submission and load to BCGW, fish observations are snapped to 1:20k streams when loaded to the warehouse. However, observations may occur on unmapped streams and older observations may not have bee…
Need to be able to identify the source of the data, e.g., BCGW, OSDB
Need to re-add the UI
Needs more technical analysis
Next steps: 1-2 hours to investigate if the changes are programmatic or…
VQO data is available in BCGW, but the file size exceeds the capacity of the download service.
As a stopgap, the data is currently pulled from a manual extract posted to my web server:
The hillcrestgeo.ca address used for layer `vqo_preserve` needs to be updated to use https.
However, the source for this data should instead be modified to the file provided in the github release if …
Feedback from Dave (via email thread)
I agree.
This is an excellent feature to add, though it needs more definition.
• Quickly we want the geo resource page to fail gracefully
• …