Very excited to announce partnering with ETHDenver and Chainshot on this:
# ChainShot Collaborative Coding: Merkle Trees
As part of the startup flow of FireFly, it will reconcile the intent from its database and call the relevant plugins. For example, it will make sure to activate the toke pools (listen to token pool ev…
I am trying to get the app running in mac, I had to make couple changes on CA_TAG and FABRIC_TAG to point recent tags with that i can now run ./build-mac.sh. It creates all the images however getting …
Hi Team,
The `did` resolution to `DIDDocument` takes blockchain interaction to execute and sometimes may not be efficient for large number of resolution calls. If the `resolver` could have configur…
Not yet known, but in some conditions, the VM is null and the following …
# Web3 community outreach for cultural institutions [Codeless]
Think of creating experiences that engage the audiences of cultural institutions well beyond the events they visit. How could institut…
## Overview
The Aptos Indexer is a powerful tool. However, drawing inspiration from established systems like The Graph's subgraphs could significantly improve its usability, efficiency, and develop…
python3 -m microraiden.examples.wikipaydia --private-key ../../api/pk2.csv --rpc-provider https://kovan.infura.io/Ug2W9nZzjwN4lITvvLT0 start
WARNING:microraiden.utils:Private key in raw format…
1. Create a category under Code for "Web APIs" and under that category, include the following text and associated links:
WebHooks and WebSockets - http://dev.blockcypher.com/#websocket_webhook
HarmonyERC20.sol extends from Open Zepplin contracts.
Several events are emitted to the blockchain when contracts are deployed. These are written directly into the Truffle artifacts. Other events s…