make the worker process periodically scrape new game info from BGG and save it into the db.
We want.
Game name, game rank if available, id
Сыграв эту карту эту карту, игрок заканчивает карьеру в ИТ и открывает гусиную ферму, таким образом побеждает. Если эту карту отменяют, игрок получает "выгорание" на следующий ход
Again Thank you for this amazing work. Since I discover your generator, I can't stop using it.
My main purpose with it, is to create boardgame Insert.
The typetray (as the dividertray) are a…
In the latest version of boardgame.io, the permitted origins must be provided.
At the moment this is set to the following in gameServer.js.
origins: [
This would pr…
Code backend trang [Thể loại](https://github.com/TTTThanh2812/SE104.N27.CLC/wiki/5.-Th%E1%BB%83-lo%E1%BA%A1i)
To avoid to have n repository beside the code, we need to put game table in a global directory tables
With a small number of cards it looks kind of stupid
Playing again
POST /games/{name}/{id}/playAgain
{name} (required): the name of the game being played again.
{id} (required): the ID of the previous finished room.
Given a previous ro…
Hi Jano,
Looking at your Dominion implementation to understand best practices on using boardgame.io. In your utils.js your are doing
let buyCard = (state, ctx, player, card) => {
if (stat…