App will not compile with excel 4.0.3 and flutter 3.24 as of outdated archive 3.4.9 package with error:
**error: failed to run custom build command for `bzip2-sys v0.1.11+1.0.8`** Caused by: process didn't exit successfully: `/home/rahul/Desktop/Rust_code/rocksdb_test/target/debug/build/bzip2-sys-7a1…
I'm experiencing difficulties in building the bzip2 project, which I have converted from C to Rust using C2Rust. The [original bzip2 project is hosted on GitLab](https://gitlab.com/bzip2/bzip2), and m…
### :information_source: Info
I'm using version [flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.14.1](https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_launcher_icons)
Flutter 3.24.3
### :speech_balloon: Description
When runnin…
# Version:
v7.0.7 (as supplied/installed by chef-workstation source code build steps)
# Environment:
macOS 10.14.6, Ruby 2.6.5 (via rbenv)
While it does not appear to be an issue with chef…
#### Name of the game:
#### Player platform:
#### Attach files (as a .zip archive or link them)
```zip -9vr -Z bzip2 game.zip gamefolder```
```7z a -tzip -mm=LZMA -mx9 g…
The Huffman encoding in both `flate` and `bzip2` is identical except for some minor differences:
* `bzip2` treats the leading bits in a bitstream as the MSB of a byte, while `flate` treats the leadin…
dsnet updated
2 years ago
Environment&&tools: ported selectivetaint from ubuntu14.04(32bit) using dyninst9.3 to ubuntu16.04(32bit) and upgraded to dyninst12.0.
Problem Code:
std::vector snippets0;
for (int i = 0…