## 我的环境
| 名称 | 值 |
| ------- | ---- |
| 操作系统 | Mac |
| 软件版本 | 0.9.2 |
| 主题名称 | Chic |
## 期望行为
## 当前行为
你好Crmye,恭喜你抽中了Gridea的Card主题,请在2020.08.15 00:00:00前内答复我,不然视你自动放弃.
## QQ群:499093465
## 抽奖规则
1. 给Chic点赞的,不取消star即可参加
2. 若抽中就取消star的,我会很伤心的(会拉黑名单,确信(
> 为了有效的通知抽中的人,请在这里留下邮箱 base64 加密就行,不要添加除了bas…
Hello, thanks for devoloping your the deep-fashion-retrieval project. I need a little help for running your project.
I have following files:
+models: (only your…
Please add events (compatibility) for the mod Create mod so that blocks from Create and items cannot break someone else's private. This is very necessary. I can pay you.
Hilarious content generated by https://hipsum.co/
I have **edited** *this* comment.
Is there any technical impediment for the following scenario?
1. Define a catalogue in a model.
2. Define a field referencing the catalogue.
3. Define a `BAG {0..*} OF` for the field.
4. Us…
In [`d7b68c0`](https://github.com/joahn3/upptime2/commit/d7b68c0e0c44bc049d90119a5990085476922ec6
), Chic Roumaine (https://www.chicroumaine.com) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0
- Response time: 0 ms
The result of the crawler made by @douglasferlini in #5 is a JSON array with the overall information of the dresses os [La Fiancee](https://www.lafiancee.com.br/vestidos-de-noiva). Now, we need now to…
i don't understand why this cli command won't work, *typing.Union[typing.Dict, str, NoneType]* to my understanding, is should accept a string or a Dict?
Mac OSX M1
$ python -m bark --text "大家…