Some context from @rjlohan:
> Right now the Registry only supports the ability to (De)RegisterType, however we designed it intentionally to be as agnostic of CloudFormation (the service) as we could.…
Hi! Thank you for the template. I tried to run the Cloudformation template. It spin off correctly the instance, and all the event seems to be `CREATE_COMPLETE` state. However , when I ssh into it, it …
While researching a solution for #126 I discovered a few restrictions with CloudFormation which make me wonder if it would be better to use golang templates to perform variable substitution in additio…
The plugin will create a cf resource with the logical id of 'ApiGatewayStage' suffixed with the stage name having the first character capitalized. Example: **ApiGatewayStageDev**
While I agree th…
I am trying to deploy the KdG via cloudformation but stack fails. The arn boundary parameter says optional but stack fails with " handler return error, permission block must be set for cognito provide…
### Description
**How can the docs be improved?**
* Please vote on this issue by adding a 👍 [reaction](https://blog.github.com/2016-03-10-add-reactions-to-pull-requests-issues-and-comments/) to th…
I can’t upgrade a managed nodegroup using eksctl
Following document was used for the procedure:
### Describe the feature
When deploying a function straight to the Lambda service using the `dotnet lambda deploy-function` command users can specific additional MSBuild parameters passing in the `--…
### Describe the bug
When defining the `Type` property for the `AWS::Batch::ComputeEnvironment` resource via the "ManagedEc2EcsComputeEnvironment" construct or the "CfnComputeEnvironment" construct, …
Working through the URL shortner project. The initial serverless deploy is failing with a validation error. I tried comparing my 'serverless.ts' locally with the GH version but can't find the error. I…