If I leave the base station running for a long time (several hours, it seems) I seem to be getting into a state where it cannot hear the beacon from the tracker. The fitbit_client.py code initializes…
I have tried your driver while playing my wine games on my 3B+ and I managed to pull some decent performance out of it, doing trial and error on almost all the toggles.
I have been lookin…
The 6502 has a φ2out pin (39) to allow access to the system clock when the internal oscillator is used. This doesn't seem necessary if an external oscillator is used since it can be fed to the 6502 φ2…
Anyone interested in participating in a very informal survey? I know that without some serious methodology, that my study will be flawed and little more than anecdotal, but I am somewhat curious abou…
This probably happens when using RetroDebugger on a different locale than US/EN (german here) - open monitor console and its immediately visible, in the help text where it should be [ or ] its Ä and Ö…
I don't know whether this is possible, but the idea comes from using the interface with my ZX81 which as you will be aware switches the TV/composite output off when loading, saving and performing othe…
G4DDS updated
4 months ago
Hi. Thanks so much for wrapping this code. I am working on a PLATO terminal emulator here:
and I am knee deep in debugging the protocol state machine, but…
[javidx9 영상](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdzOvpYPmGE)을 보다 갑자기 뽕이 찼다
예전부터 cpu 에뮬레이터 등에 관심이 많아서 AssemblySharp 부터 X86Sharp 프로젝트까지 햇따가 규모가 넘 커서 뒤플젝은 드랍햇는데 NES 정도면 문서도 많고 적당한 규모라서 해볼만하지않을까? 재미가 생겼음
Get1stDirEntry() and GetNxtDirEntry() do not take into account the offpad directory entries. I can work on this. Relevant documentation for
**GetOffPageTrSc**: (C64, C128) mid-level $9036
- [ ] Rate limiting
- [ ] Daily limits on how many times a single item can be ++ or --
- Maybe each user gets 10 (++ or -- each count as 1)
- [ ] Limits on how many times a single person can +…