### Branch
main branch (1.x version, such as `v1.0.0`, or `dev-1.x` branch)
### Prerequisite
- [X] I have searched [Issues](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmaction2/issues) and [Discussions](https:/…
I'm confused about how to know the environmental factors are significant when I use sjsdm. Anybody know how to do that?
When using HMSC i can estimate the environment variables by variance partiti…
Hello Zhao,
Thanks for your algorithm, it is very useful. I've been using it for a problem at my work. I have version 0.1.19 on one computer and 0.1.22 on another computer. On the second computer …
Go through the papers to get the range of incubation periods used in the papers. This will help create a distribution of values that can be used to parameterize epi models. This was from today's call …
Different args, be it for printing numbers atop a corner plot, or for printing w…
A user asks
> where are Pvalues in the user interface? How can I prove that I was right
With the launch of the National Innovation and Science Agenda late last year, there is a strong focus to develop new and innovative ideas to help government and industry solve real world problems. Whi…
ghost updated
8 years ago
The paper titled "The Impact of Interview Disruptions on Data Quality in Social Surveys" examines how various disruptions during interviews affect respondent comprehension and the reliability…
I'm a bit confused about `max_rank` calculation.
I followed the example in [Getting Started with SBC](https://hyunjimoon.github.io/SBC/articles/SBC.html), and it's unclear to me how the `max_rank`…
I have two proposals for enhancements.
1). The first one is to include assumption checks in the Bayesian versions of all analyses. This is just a very minor issue, but it should be very easy to jus…