$form->cropper('image', __('图片'))->cRatio(350,350)->required();
I am using vue 2, vue advanced cropper version 1.11.6, there is no error message in console.
I am using the Cropper UX component to enable users to crop their profile picture after uploading it.
The CropperJS library seems to work fine with photos that contain EXIF orientation information…
So when I enable cropping when using the picker, it works when selecting more than one photo. However, if one photo is selected, it does not crop the photo. It shows the cropper, but the photo saved i…
## Feature Request
| Q | A |
| ----------- | ------ |
| New Feature | yes |
| RFC | yes|
| BC Break | no |
### Summary
There are a lot of things about t…
## 报错
## 复现
bun add vue-cropper
// main.js
import VueCropper from 'vue-cropper'
import 'vue-cropper/dist/index.css'
const app = createApp(App)
I installed your nuget package. When I add @using Blazor.Cropper, I get an error. It can't find the namespace.
There isn't anything that I could easily find that lets you crop photo's quickly or just apply filters.
How would I reset the active cropper?
I want to change aspect ration on the crop box.
This is how it would be done in JS:
` cropper.destroy();
cropper = new Cropper(image, options);`