Thank you for preparing all these data.
I aware that you use COVID tracking project data for testing data. I see they changed methodology on how to count testing data by states. They basi…
Is testing data referring to **performed tests** or **individuals tested**?
Great little site. Adding data about tests would be interesting ...
* Total tests
* Total tests per 1mm Pop.
* Daily tests
* Daily tests per 1mm Pop.
* Total cases per test
Form.io data load/subission. Use the Student Application to test the amount of submission that the form.io server can handle. As a suggestion, we can have a Student Application payload sample submitte…
### terraform-plugin-testing version
❯ go list -m github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-testing/...
github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-testing v1.7.0
### Use cases
Utilize and/o…
## Problem
While testing out prisma for my project, accidentally ran db push. All my data were lost. Now i had concerns over production. If anyone mistakenly run the command, It will wipe all the d…
## Description
- This Issue is about Data Annotation.
- Need to mark relevant data from the text data for model testing
## Value Statement
**_As a_** Veteran
**_I want to_** see the data I entered on the confirmation page
**_So that_** I can print it out and maintain a record of the submission
## Background Cont…
I was wondering if there is a way to run inference on my own data to get a merged prediction as described in the paper, but without having to run evaluation. We are planning to use the model to…
Hi all.
With [SpatialData](https://github.com/scverse/spatialdata) we have some public datasets that could be used for testing. Here is information where to get them: https://spatialdata.scverse.or…