Sik-Ho Tang. [Review — DETR: End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers](https://sh-tsang.medium.com/review-detr-end-to-end-object-detection-with-transformers-c64977be4b8e).
### Describe the workflow you want to enable
Some transformers could be used in both a supervised and unsupervised setting. Currently, `y` is always passed at `fit` and it imposes that such transfo…
i got torch version 1.13.0+cu116,
mmaction2 0.15.0
mmcv 2.1.0
mmdet 3.3.0
i always meet this error with anyother version:
I am currently working on the completion of the project, I am reproducing your paper Distortion-aware Transformer in 360° Salient Object Detection, I need to use your model weights at the moment, we d…
3D convolutions are important too!
Like 2D images in nature, 3D Volume data is very common, such as medical CT and MRI data, where voxels are uniformly distributed in 3D space.
The medical and …
# Detr | Sen Yang
Detr (DEtection TRansformer) 是最近很受关注的一个工作。论文叫做「End-to-end object detection with Transformers」, Facebook Research目前把它投稿到了2020年的ECCV。 鉴于网上有太多关于DETR的解读和评价,本文就不做太多的探讨,而致力于分析这两个概念: Set …
thank you for your great work, but there is a problem when i train with my own data
i can't figure out why this happen
i've changed all num_class to my num
this is traceback:
Traceback (most rec…
# Reference
- 2021-01 A Survey on Visual Transformer [[Paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.12556.pdf)]
- [论文笔记 - 0809zheng](https://0809zheng.github.io/2021/02/10/visual-transformer.html)
# Brief
- …
I had this problem:ImportError: cannot import name 'swin_transformer' from 'Models' (D:\Anaconda\ruanjian\Notebook\DeformableObjectsGrasping-master\DeformableObjectsGrasping-master\src\slip_detection\…
Here is my config: