ElegantOTO fails to update a firmware.bin with size 1.4 MB on my ESP32-WROVER-E (Lilygo T-SIM7600E). Updating the LittleFS filesystem or updating a smaller firmware.bin works fine. With the bigger fil…
Firstly, this is a great package and good to use - saving lots of effort in updating firmware.
My only pause and wtf moment - was when I had uploaded the demo code to my ESP32 and I could see the s…
My clients do not want their device to connect over wifi to their network. They want to connect over BT (classic or BLE) to their Android phone which in turn is connected to the internet. Then downloa…
Is it possible to use your awesome ota updater over the internet? In particular, have the code look for the bin file in a specific server (http or https).
ich habe das KM271 Board von Daniel Version 0.0.7
Bei Daniel liegen die "dewenni" Versionen 3.2.3 und 3.2.4 mit dabei. 3.2.3 scheint zu laufen und startet (das WLAN wird angezeigt).
Hi, I'm trying to compile Async Demo on PlatformIO but I get these error:
I was just compiling the AsyncDemo.ino example for an ESP8266, using PlatoformIO, but it refuses to compile ElegantOTA.cpp, with the following error:
For my need, right now I have to modify all the occurrences to: `request->requestAuthentication(NULL, false);`
Would be better to have a callback handle that instead of your code because auth type …
AsyncTCP.h and ESPAsyncWebServer.h files are not found. Can you let me know the solution?
in esp32 AsyncWebserver not accepted because default
am ı need to change AsyncWeb…