Hi, I can't get the library to work on IE11.
I do not find any anomaly on all other browsers.
This is my `polifylls.ts `:
> import 'core-js/es6/symbol';
import 'core-js/es6/object';
import 'co…
### Ethers Version
### Search Terms
ES6 proxy,event,calldata,parsed data dissapears
### Describe the Problem
Whenever you call or parse event from chain with ethers, if returned i…
Please use in your library the function module.exports to allow requiring the module with the es6 command "import"
Am I missing something or this library could basically be renamed "es6-ga" ?
Is there any react-specific stuff in here ?
Currently, since most consumers of this library will be using `dist/yourls.js` or `dist/yourls.min.js` this doesn't really matter as runtime dependencies are bundled with this library, but `oopsy` is …
From what I can tell this library looks abandoned. Can anyone recommend a good fork? Ideally with support for React 16 and ES6.
How to use this library with webpack/es6?
`import 'angular-drag-and-drop-lists/angular-drag-and-drop-lists';`
its not working with this import. Can't inject it to the module.
Demo | Combo | Sidebar & Grid | Some HTML
The following error occurs when clicking on the panel content area:
w2ui.es6.min.js:342 …
Asking because I couldn't find anything about generating es6 modules instead of closure or common via protoc (https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/javascript-generated#package…
Hey, I could contribute to this library and rewrite it using ES6 imports + rollup like [three.js](https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/) is doing.
This could be the "clean" way to fix #78.
Are you…