I'm attempting to convert a fbx file and I come up with this error. I'm running python 3.6 because 3.3 is EOL. I'm not sure if this is the issue or not. Not sure where the issue lies.
Traceback (mo…
@Lotayou (a.k.a myself) I just found that my SMPL UV data at hand is messed up, UV vertices' topology does not match that of SMPL 3D mesh. Here's the result:
We would like to know if we can use LibreDWG to import meshes from .dwg to the real time engine for rendering.
Thanks for your work on this so far!
Hi there!
Recently we found out that `.sfb` models converted (from `.fbx`) by plugin converter version 1.11 no more work correctly after update to Sceneform SDK version 1.12 - app crashes with Filame…
I've installed C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017, and FBX SDK 2018.1.1 VS2015 (64bit)
I still get following output and errors:
Failed to load 'Assets/FBXImporter&ExporterForUnity/FBXImp…
Is there a license on this code? There are some modders who wish to have this ported into Legendary Explorer since ME3Explorer is long dead. However, without a license, we can't pull in this code.
GLB import seems broken, it doesn't take into account the metallicFactor & roughnessFactor (and maybe other properties), converted SFA metallic is always 0 and roughness always 1. The same mode…
please add import bcmdl , adding Supplementary Texture in bch(if possible), export material animation.
gege4 updated
7 years ago