Awesome work!! Would love to use these packages for model-based control, is there functionality for [derivatives](http://www.mujoco.org/book/programming.html#saDerivative) implemented anywhere in the …
I implemented a Jacobian computation using functorch, but encoutnered a memory overflow issue.
The function that I want to differentiate is `ResidualFunctional.residual`. I'd like to compute…
This is based on https://github.com/stan-dev/stanc3/issues/1162
The following functions do not fully compile in expression tests when added to stanc. I've attached gists which show the compiler err…
Could you please add an example with a simple CUDA kernel in the Julia [introduction notebook](https://github.com/EnzymeAD/Enzyme-Tutorial/blob/main/julia/introduction.ipynb) ?
I've already opened a few disparate issues related to this, but I'd like to centralize these efforts.
The goal is to compute higher-order derivatives of (scalar-input) functions. The input v. outpu…
Following our conversation on Slack with @ExpandingMan, just wanted to ask whether the return tuples would be modified or not.
Let's take a function `y = f(x1, x2, x3)` and run `autodiff` on it.
# Background
As I've been imagining Phoebe, there would be a `Manifold` trait like this (a bit different from the [current tip of `main`](https://github.com/samestep/phoebe/tree/d51ac53c64b03483148…
Would it please be possible to add an example of neural network as the simulator?
Also, how can we make a nice Gif?
OrdinaryDiffEq v7 is close. This means that all breaking changes need to make it in by this time. Here's the list right now:
- [x] Split solvers into subpacakges https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDi…
I try to do feature matching on html-document-nodes, and use features of these document nodes (tagname, text, class, length,..) as placeholder (struct). Currently, the network consists of some fasttex…