For Map, Set and anything else which takes a comparison function.
Suppose I have a type
using Functors
struct Foo{T1,T2}
Foo{T1}(x::T2) where {T1,T2} = new{T1,T2}(x)
Then using
@functor Foo
will not manage to capture the `T1…
`VariantF` is an extensible version of `Coproduct`. We should have a `RecordF` for `Product`.
Motivated by the other discussion (#131), I had a closer look at our turtle and TriG grammar (https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-turtle/#sec-grammar https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-trig/) and was surprised, th…
It will be good to have the structure
data ManyF (f :: k -> Type) (xs :: [k])
so that for each `x` in `xs` an element of type `f x` is stored.
This is a generalization of `Ma…
# Functor-and-Variance
Cryptol, currently version 3.2.0, has introduced numerous features affecting course content authored around Cryptol 2.11 - 2.13.
- [x] #237
- [x] #244
- [ ] Break **Language Basics** into multipl…
~~Once #2389 is merged,~~ `thrust::transform` queries a trait in libcu++ whether it is safe to make copies of the arguments to the transformation function before passing them. This allows various opti…
Hello there. I find it very nice to have an analog for `Applicative` for `Contravariant` functors. But it feels like something is missing; where are our nice `Traversable`s?
It seems like there is …