I am interested in utilizing Gaussian splatting exclusively with depth maps and point clouds, without incorporating RGB information. Consequently, I need to modify the existing codebase to fun…
Hi, Great work! nd rasterizer is around 10x slower than sh rasterizer. To be precise, my model inference time with sh rasterization is 0.008s which gives me >100FPS as described in the original gaussi…
![Screenshot from 2024-03-12 16-52-27](https://github.com/Anttwo/SuGaR/assets/99084258/c0b16268-281d-4184-9efc-23c1503e0060)
To begin, I processed the video using Colmap with the following commands:
Thanks for the great work! This work is awesome.
I note that the gradient is not backpropaged from the pred_depth, do you plan to add it? This would be super helpful for those who want to add geom…
i use win10 cuda1.8 pytouch 2.1.2 Python 3.7.12 VS2019
python train.py -s error
(gaussian_splatting) PS D:\gaussian-splatting> python train.py -s D:\gaussian-splatting\data\01
Traceback (most r…
I want to refine models for more then 30000 steps. At start all is fine. But at the end I got always same ply model as 30000 saved to eg 40k folder.
With different datasets are the same effect.
It seems that the gaussian splatting in the vr glasses looks weird. Both in the preview and after packing.
It's as if the same image is being projected in each eye, instead of generating one for …
(sugar) khfifi@jensen:~/SuGaR$ python train.py -s /home/khfifi/tryinggauss -c /home/khfifi/gausstomesh -r "sdf"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/khfifi/SuGaR/train.py", line 3, in
Original 3D gaussian splatting can see the gaussians but I don't know how to see in this one
Hi, I'm currently applying 4D Gaussian Splatting to reconstruct pedestrians within an urban scene. However, I'm encountering issues with accurately reconstructing certain parts of the pedestrians, par…