Opening issue for scrum, add your contributions as comments to this issue.
Your contributions should be added by answering the following questions:
what have I done this week? (with link(s) to th…
Not a big deal at all, but currently qubes-builder-github generates 8 comments per issue per commit (fedora 23, fedora 24, debian jessie, and debian, * 2 for testing and stable).
This is a quite us…
- read more = broken link: https://ai16z.github.io/eliza/docs/community/stream-notes/
- readme is outdated
- pnpm run shell not valid
- go through and test the docs to be valid
- add jsdocs commen…
Reader comments on [Using GitHub issues for comments](http://bd808.com/blog/2012/04/14/using-github-issues-for-comments/)
bd808 updated
12 years ago
Seriously, edit [this issue](https://github.com/pwmckenna/til/issues/5#issue-123412324) and you'll see this post change. And it'll appear to be my handy work. @github...you guys on this?
``` tyml
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Similar to Item #1, archive dialogues from Github issue trackers.
## Description
As title, I think it's usefull for code review. thanks.
It's also usefull for #10007
example in gh: