This is problematic for…
While this is a good fail-fast scenario, there might actually be some limited cases where people would try to test remediation of existing packages that were originally built for Audit. Maybe we shoul…
waagent --version
WALinuxAgent-2.2.46 running on centos 7.9.2009
Python: 2.7.5
Goal state agent: 2.2.46
cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
Document content:
Is there a way to automate the on-boarding of a ASC Security Solution? For Example, I would like to leverage Azure Policy to deploy the Qualys Security Solution across all of my subscriptions, with th…
This change will require an agent update.
The InSpec resource is copied in two locations. The install script is copied again to a third. We should be able to get this down to one location.
Repro steps:
Create a policy package that requires customer resource. Here in this example, mof is dependent only on myfile resource
New-GuestConfigurationPackage -Configuration ./createFile/loc…
Repro steps
1. Specify a wrong parameter in Start cmdlet, it throws error and show which info parameter is wrong. This is expected
It appears that the parameter is captured but the execution is not conditional?
## Description
Secrets have been removed in Get requests resulting in empty StorageAccountUrl when invoking the following command
Update get-azwebappbackup to use POST request