> `untilJust :: (Monad m, Applicative f) => m (Maybe r) -> Stream f m r`
> Repeat a
GTK2 has unfortunately been long abandoned, and gtk2 windows look very out of place. Even programs like GIMP have migrated off of it. And the package we use for the GTK3 backend has incomplete binding…
Consider two list of `Nat`
{-@ xs1, xs2 :: [Nat] @-}
xs1 = [3, 4]
xs2 = [1, 2]
Liquid Haskell cannot prove that mappending `xs` and `ys` returns a list of `Nat`s. Ie. the following fails
This is needed for many applications (Discord webhook auth came up), and I don't think we should try to implement in pure Unison right now, same as other crypto primitives.
-- sign.impl secretK…
### General summary/comments (optional)
This error was resolved after deleting the .stack-work directory and rebuilding.
### Steps to reproduce
`stack -v ghci app:exe:pitangaLog`
The BSD license is probably the most popular license for Haskell
applications and libraries. A primary reason for this is that GHC has not
historically supported dynamic linking, and the legality…
I would think that an idle GC would be well-suited for an IDE. There are long periods where the application is not going anything which could be used for GC.
The argument presented by @ndmitchell (…
# Deploying IHP on a NixOS Server | Zac Wood
A step by step guide on deploying a production Haskell application on a budget!
Building and deploying web app in Haskell with a Haskell server and ghcjs front-end is rather tricky. There are a lot of moving parts and a lot of competing technologies (ghc/ghcjs/cabal/maybe nix/may…
The BSD license is probably the most popular license for Haskell
applications and libraries. A primary reason for this is that GHC has not
historically supported dynamic linking, and the legality…