### Global Hydrologic Curve Number
The GCN250 is a globally consistent, gridded dataset defining CNs at the 250 m spatial resolution from new global land cover (300 m) and soils data (250 m). GCN250 …
The idea is that users can submit their own netcdf files with streamflow and/or climate data to run RAVEN and OSTRICH. However, the user should be able to call a WPS that will check the files to ensur…
Because we're working with long-term average flow statistics, I think it also makes sense to work with a single set of long-term average land cover data as features. The SOHL historical land cover yea…
Streams are normally filled in order depending upon their relative hight. Many hydrological modeling number streams while creating subbasin files like BASINS etc. How can such an array be obtained in …
- [x] USGS gw model web app https://webapps.usgs.gov/gwwebflow/?tds_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftxthredds.usgs.gov%2F&tds_dir=public%2Fgwwebflow%2Fviewer%2F
- [ ] USGS RASA models https://water.usgs.gov…
Currently, there seems to be an issue in targets `p1_catchments_sf` which has more unique values compared to reaches.
{st_read(dsn=p1_catchments_shp, layer="n…
As reported by @aazuspan in https://github.com/gjoseph92/stackstac/issues/147, the `proj` information of these STAC items (sometimes?) doesn't align with the information reported by `gdalinfo`.
> L…
### Scope
Agriculture science encompasses a broad breadth of disciplines. Many many package in base R and contributed packages are relevant to agricultural researchers. For that reason, this is not…
Page: https://help.hydroshare.org/introduction-to-hydroshare/hydroshare-youtube-videos/
**FIXED 9/1/2021 SS, link was broken, but updated in pages**
Link in _How do I set the spatial e…
Hi @gjoseph92, I'm using `stackstac.stack` with two adjacent COGs from the Planetary Computer `3dep-seamless` collection, and the output bounds and shape are incorrect. If I load them manually with `x…