1) Currently ck-caffe repo has a set of packages for ImageNet LMDB
and more can be added in future. All t…
If you change the data set, for example now the data set has 47 classes, what else to do but change nb_classes to 47 in main_finetune. Because only modify this final precision is not too high, I am no…
hello, after learning repp, I have questions that what is imagenet_vid_groundtruth_motion_iou.mat and how can I make it when I use my custom dataset.
### Version
### Describe the bug.
I am testing the throughput of DALI (v1.40.0.dev20240628) when reading TFRecords via S3 and I am obtaining unexpectedly poor results.
Hi I am looking to train this tokenizer on a sign language dataset CSL-Daily so that I can compress video frames into 32 tokens.
However, I am not getting very good results (attached below). I would…
# Paper Information
- **Paper Title**: MeanSparse: Post-Training Robustness Enhancement Through Mean-Centered Feature Sparsification
- **Paper URL**: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2406.05927
- **Paper au…
hi @kaiyuyue
i see the [lines](https://github.com/kaiyuyue/nxtp/blob/main/src/encoding.py#L115-L119) in `encoding.py`, for what reason to miss these samples? for imagenet-1k dataset, many categories…
Hi, thanks for the interesting work.
I'm playing a bit with the code on a simple single-class dataset of 256x256 images, and I've modified basic things (imagenet hardcoded numbers, etc...).
I'm …
* Name of dataset: tiny-imagenet
* URL of dataset: http://cs231n.stanford.edu/tiny-imagenet-200.zip
* License of dataset: Not mentioned
* Short description of dataset and use case(s): Tiny ImageNet…
In Table 3 & 4, is the same dataset used during pre-training and fine-tuning? Or does the fine-tuning only happened on ImageNet-1k dataset?