Hi there, awesome job on the package, have a question for you.. In your examples you are able to send to different slack channels, for me, one webhook url, only allows me to send to a single channel. …
Is it possible to add a new sink for RocketChat please?
RocketChat webhooks accepts the following payload example:
"text": "Example message",
"attachments": [
How does Webhook_Url work for ms-teams? I specified as `WEBHOOK_URL="ms-teams-hook-url"` but it doesn't work/triggered, when restart-case. Is there any other configuration?
Incoming Webhooks are a simple way to post messages from apps into Slack. These integrations lack newer features and they will be deprecated and possibly removed in the future.
In the current imple…
Only username and icon_url is not reflected to SlackApps
``` payload.py
item = {
'username': str(username), # ユーザー名
'icon_url': user_pic,
What do you guys think about adding support for incoming webhooks for team collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, Mattermost?
It could be used to inform channels for new systems added, Mu…
What if someone discovers the URL and starts sending you messages? I would think Twilio has the same available, but I haven't looked in depth. You want to know that the message is from Twilio and not …
Hi, first of all thanks for setting this up.
I have a few questions, for environmental variables being set on the Mattermost server:
I'm creating an app that makes it seamless for Django REST Framework users to integrate **pinax-stripe** into their workflow.
While implementing the **Webhook View**, I fi…
Sending an invalid JSON payload on incoming webhooks (haven't tested outgoing yet) creates an event that does not show on both "Event Deliveries" and "Events Log" page. However, there are some logs r…