With the new mechanism to SIAkad, new classes or attributes are needed to model that (with backward compatibility, of course):
* [x] List of Faculty/Department, e.g. 616, 617, 618 for the three dep…
= (2 * 37 * 3 * 52 * 22 * 52) /(3 * 17 * 22 * 13) = (2 * 54 * 37)/(13 * 17)
Kampus apo se yg paralu wk daftarkan diawal ko al?
Wk butuh data kampusnyo, fakultas samo jurusan nyo
Mata kuliah ini belum tercatat (lama-kelamaan harusnya akan hilang):
Masukkan tahun angkatan awal (contoh: 2010): 2010
Masukkan tahun angkatan akhir (contoh: 2015): 2015
Proses angkatan …
How to delete an email?
Is that supported?
Name: Ganjar Gingin Tahyudin
Nim: 13081180237
Major: S1 Informatika
Github Account: https://github.com/zarszz
LinkedIn Account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ganjar-g-745693109/
Project Link: https…
Poslední věta ("... zaregistrovaných pozorovatelů a umožní") končí uprostřed myšlenky
I've tried to create [PARhunt](https://app.christianto.net/PARhunt/) to help me get a detailed MKs for next semester, but for some reason i have to [preproccess](https://gitlab.com/chez14/parhu…
Chýba zadávanie koncoročných známok z informatiky.
Name: Muhammad Ridho Saputra
Nim: 1301184402
Major: S1 Informatika
Github Account: https://github.com/putrash
LinkedIn Account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/putrash/
Project Link: https://gitlab.c…
did0x updated
6 years ago