# Bit-Sliced Index (Range Encoded)
## Description
This proposal describes a method by which one can store multi-bit integers in Pilosa and evaluate
aggregate and range queries on those integers…
see pins_arduino.h:
`#define digitalPinToInterrupt(p) (((p) >= 4 && (p) = 18 && (p)
# Required information
- Distribution: ubuntu
- Distribution version: 14.04
- The output of "lxc info"
apiextensions: []
apistatus: stable
apiversion: "1.0"
auth: trusted
I want to use an ATmega128 as an upgrade for my existing ProMini328 based circuit and am trying to get the respective pin mapping right (so as to reuse my existing code with minimal changes): Accordin…
cpp main/sys.asm | sed 's/__CR__/\n/g' | ./scripts/func-ext.js | ./scripts/string2as.js > build/sys-bundle.asm
Invalid global variable, move it to local / temp variable first: @BLOCK_SIZE
make: **…
Hello Z3 team,
I noticed we sometimes get an error message:
**\* Error in `z3': double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0b2ef5e8 ***
Abandon (core dumped)
when Z3 is interrupted by a memory_…
``` bash
./clang -c -g -Os -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mmcu=atmega328p -DARDUINO=10600 -DARDUINO_AVR_UNO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DF_CPU=16000000L -MMD -DUSB_VID=null -DUSB_PID=null -I/Appl…
On the arduino website there is an error on the pin mapping table, as follows:
Pin number 21 - Digital Pin 51 (PWM) (SCL) is incorrect and should read Digital Pin 51 (PWM)(SDA) in the mapped pin colum…