After running this script I have noticed a couple of things that should be fixed.
1. line 16: error message-unable to resolve host ubilinux
fixed this by adding "ubilinux" into the /etc/hosts file
Just wondering if you are considering to switch to vanilla kernel at some point.
When my device I'm coding for (Intel Edison) crashes or loses power up to a minute after writing the config file then the entire config file is 0 bytes after a system restart and attempting to load th…
I am use arduino library, 1.6.7+1.0
after compile and upload sketch, it was running but not work as expect.
should I upgrade sysroot in packages/Intel/hardware/i686/1.6.7+1.0, and patch some fil…
In order to refactor the `call_bar` plugin, which uses I2C, I need to implement I2C program interface on devices.
We need to come up with a unified API exposed by devices which could be imple…
People may not want to leave this app running on their computer 24/7.
We could set the app up to run on a Raspberry Pi or Arduino that sits on the user's local network so that they don't have to!
We need to find and implement a strategy for handling long term data growth and retention as balanced with DB size and drive space.
I have init a line, and set direction to output successful.
later, when I check this line's direction by call function mraa_gpio_read_dir, it will think "Line used by kernel." and return ERROR.
![node-inspector error](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/7827525/6413671/48c78676-bed5-11e4-9f09-f8997f585bfa.png)
Want to back this issue? **[Post a bounty on it!](https://www.bountyso…
I have a Sensortag here and trying to get notified for the temperature and light sensor.
If I use following code I only get notified for the light sensor:
var noble = require('noble');