Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Today, I attempted to install `telemetyr` on my new machine.
install_github("BiomarkABS/telemetyr", build_vignettes = T)
Unfortunately, the first attempt failed because …
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…