Unit 1.29.1 - Java17 - Docker `eclipse-temurin:17-jdk-jammy`
It is not possible to load a SpringBoot application version >=3.0. Unit did not crash. It simply isn't loading the Spring Applicatio…
### Discussed in https://github.com/eclipse/rdf4j/discussions/4287
Originally posted by **volkerjaenisch** November 19, 2022
Dear RDF4J Users!
Currently we am implementing SHACL for an Open…
If your Java app uses WebSocket and you plan to add Azure Front Door to your architecture, the latter does not support WebSocket.
Could not figure out how this happened. Sorry. This is the error log.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Timer was canceled
at java.util.Timer.scheduleImpl(Timer.java:561)
at java.util.Timer.schedule(…
024-11-11 18:29:21.971 [http-nio-1818-exec-9] ERROR com.genersoft.iot.vmp.conf.GlobalExceptionHandler:30 - [全局异常]:
org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Handler dispatch failed; neste…
Is it just me? I'm unable to pass the tests
The tests are failing with some `java.io.FileNotFoundException`
com.alibaba.fastjson2.JSONException: illegal input, offset 1, char a
at com.alibaba.fastjson2.JSONReader.read(JSONReader.java:1432)
at com.alibaba.fastjson2.JSON.parseObject(J…
### What happened?
This is basically the same problem for BiDi as for CDP, see issue https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/issues/13845
I stumbled into this while implementing network intercept…
Including stacktrace for posterity.
``: removing com.colinalworth.gwt.websockets.server.RpcEndpoint$IH@b72270 after Throwable: com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.IncompatibleRemoteServiceException: …
Since Java 11, when using the JDK standalone client instead of the Grizzly client to connect to a wss:// URL, the connectToServer method hangs for 30 seconds and then throws the following exception: