There are numerous libraries out there that implement standard ML techniques like k-nearest-neighbour, support vector machines, neural networks, bayes networks etc. This is a collection of links and d…
When interacting with a web page that uses web components (for example https://todomvc.com/examples/web-components/dist/ or https://todomvc.com/examples/lit/dist/) the interaction target is incorrectl…
I wanted to use this feature to be able to store filtered element indexes like this doc example :
library.books#$i['Kernighan' in authors].{
'title': title,
'index': $i
It works w…
Currently our JS external library dependencies are not well-maintained. We should consider doing this. See, for example: http://bower.io/. We could also use http://requirejs.org/ for JS module depende…
- Traverson - https://blog.codecentric.de/2013/12/traverson-de/
* 이짓을:
var request = require ( 'request' )
var rootUri = 'https://api.github.com/'
function nextUri ( response , link ) …
_Created by **schroederc** at 2015-06-16 00:54:46_:
A KytheURI library is necessary for any Javascript clients using the JSON service APIs implemented in http://kythe.io/repo/kythe/go/services/ (see…
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/intellij/lang/ecmascript6/JSXHarmonyFileType
at com.eny.i18n.plugin.language.jsx.JsxTranslationExtractor.canExtract(JsxLanguageFactory.kt:63)
at com.eny.i18n.pl…
**Describe the bug**
Acronyms & initialism in English use upper case letters to differentiate them from no other kinds of words. Using improper casing loses this syntactic information. I see some err…
### Type of issue
Outdated article
### Description
I was looking for http guidelines for javascript and found this article https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/javascript/api/overview/azure/core-http-…
Javascript can throw anything, not just Error objects. This includes primitives like strings and numbers;
try {
throw 42; // completely valid
} catch (e) {
throw new Error("Nested err…