I am using your SuperObject for quite a while, but have become stuck in a
particular problem.
Please have a look at the attached json.txt file. This is how I receive the
data from a WebService…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
I am really happy that it is now possible to read ISO 8601 Zulu time from a
JSON string! :).
But how to control the output to JSON?
How to deal with timezon…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Try to call .FromJSON() with a incorrect JSON string.
example: '{aaa: "b" | "c"}'.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Just a exception…
jo := SO();
jo.V['Name'] := 'tintinsoft';
// dont create datetime,maybe you can create a default datetime string
// by datetimetostring
jo.V['Birthdate'] := …
I found an issue with deserialization. When I try to deserialize json which
doesn't contain all object's fields or contains null I got Marshalling Error.
Please check the source code in attached …
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Create Json String with a named value "NAME":"VALUE" where "VALUE" has #10 or
2.Try and load Json string to TSuperObject
What is the expected outp…
I am using your SuperObject for quite a while, but have become stuck in a
particular problem.
Please have a look at the attached json.txt file. This is how I receive the
data from a WebService…
I like to see SO to support field ignore due a delphi custom attribute like:
SOIgnore = class(TSuperAttribute);
TMyObjet = class
fieldA: Integer;
This does not work for iOS as it is pulling in VCL, I am not sure why VCL should be required for this.