Hi @sul3n3t ,
I want to create group,client and assign them each other.Create secret and grant access to previously created client and group,Consume secret it by /secret/{secret name} service.
Hi ,
Error is:
Description Resource Path Location Type
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (execution: default…
To delete a secret via automation API, `DELETE /automation/secrets/` takes a secret name as ``. All of the other automation APIs use an id for deletion.
As per #82,
To consume a service /secret/{secretName}, It should have client and groups,
I do not want to create groups and clients.
Even i can consume service /secret/{id} without having groups and…
I gone through the link http://square.github.io/keywhiz/apidocs/#!/secrets-admin/createSecret
and found
![screenshot from 2015-06-10 18 58 57](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/12181092/808…
I want to consume a secret from java api.when i try to consume it from RestClient then i am getting reply as unauthorized.
Can you help how to do it.
I want to consume a service which has to give me a secret by taking a user name and password.
I can use curl command to retrieve my secrets using below command,
curl --cert client.pem -k --trace trace.out -H "Content-Type:application/json" https://localhost:4444/automation/secrets/1
I would like to use the automation endpoints.
The documentation suggests that "The automation API requires a client certificate and automationAllowed=true in the clients DB table." ... but how do I s…
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