Complete https://gist.github.com/mkozhukharenko/74c2d55ff53f67670a6a7e1f0c37f1b0
написать deepAssign, который работает ровно так же, как и Object.assign (порядок ключей, проверка на enumerable, проверяет на != null etc), но хэндлит nested объекты
правильно проверяет на объект, уме…
Complete https://gist.github.com/mkozhukharenko/74c2d55ff53f67670a6a7e1f0c37f1b0
https://github.com/timoxley/functional-javascript-workshop - complete 'Function Spies' exercise.
Investigate following questions:
1) What are stubs, mocks? What is the difference?
2) What is the d…
Complete https://gist.github.com/mkozhukharenko/74c2d55ff53f67670a6a7e1f0c37f1b0
Complete https://gist.github.com/mkozhukharenko/74c2d55ff53f67670a6a7e1f0c37f1b0
https://github.com/timoxley/functional-javascript-workshop - complete 'Function Spies' exercise.
Investigate following questions:
1) What are stubs, mocks? What is the difference?
2) What is the d…
https://github.com/timoxley/functional-javascript-workshop - complete 'Function Spies' exercise.
Investigate following questions:
1) What are stubs, mocks? What is the difference?
2) What is the d…
Сверстать формочку
аплоад файлов не делать
тут и табличка (сверху), и `radio` инпут, и `range`, к паролю можете прикрутить `meter`, …
Complete https://gist.github.com/mkozhukharenko/74c2d55ff53f67670a6a7e1f0c37f1b0