This project leverages computer vision and deep learning to detect suspicious activities within retail stores.
The input consists of real-time video feeds from surveillance cameras placed w…
There should be repository for different machine learning algorithms.
Can i add some ml algos ?
I would like to express my gratitude for providing this remarkable platform. I am highly interested in How to deploy other reinforcement learning path planning algorithms and I'm eager to explore its…
a concise online crash-course comp sci level lessons for data structures & algorithms
Curious why this serve RL and how is this RL related to known RL framework e.g. SB3
I looked in the FLAML documentation and I didn't see how FLAML handles missing values for regression and classification tasks for different estimators, FLAML should add in the documentation for differ…
I propose adding an e-commerce sales prediction model to ML Nexus. This model will utilize historical sales data, marketing spend, customer behavior, and seasonal trends to forecast future sales. It w…
### Deep Learning Simplified Repository (Proposing new issue)
:red_circle: **Project Title** : River Images Classification of Sao Carlos using DL
:red_circle: **Aim** : The aim is to classify the im…
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